This is a block of text. Double-click this text to edit it. Sentiment Analysis helps to identify positive words, negative words, and Neutral words in the text document. Sentiment Analysis helps you to identify how many negative words or positive words are present in the document. It will help you to check your documents is positive document or negative document.
Ideal score for Sentiment Analysis
Ideal Score for Sentiment Analysis to have good SEO is 0.5 or above. That show keyword is positive.
Less than 0.5 is neutral
If the result is 0 or -1 that means the keyword is negative.
How to Check Sentiment Analysis in webtool ? Follow below steps for help.
Step 1:
Login webtool account.
Step 2:
Add website & Check.
Fix Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis is one of the webtool feature where easily can get positive, negative words in whole document of webpage. Try to neglect negative terms in the particular webpage & try to use more positive phase on that page.