TF_IDF Analysis 

 What is TF_IDF and its benefits in SEO?                

Tf_IDF also known as term frequency-inverse document frequency. In SEO, tf_idf help to find synonyms of all-important keywords which are mostly used in documents and then apply tf_idf on those words in the document. Tf_IDF Checker is a webtool functionality where can easily measure TF_IDF score. 


Ideal value for SEO    

Since TF-IDF is all about checking keywords term frequency & inverse term frequency within the context of the page. Thereafter, it have no ideal figure. 


Work mechanism                                  

We first compute the “bag of words” of the given landing page
After that we pick top 10 search terms which have the highest weight in corpus (Frequency)
Then we find tf_idf terms of landing page and competitor page
Then filter only those terms which are not present in landing page.

How to use TF_IDF in webtool? Follow below steps for help.                                             


Step 1:

Login webtool account.

Step 2:

Insert landing page

Step 3:

Add competitor &
View Result
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